As part of our celebrating 25 years of Drive, our team decided to do a series CGI racing car visuals highlighting our passion for motorsport.

The motorsport industry is arguably, one of the UK’s most successful. Over the years we have been privileged enough to work with number of motorsport engineering companies and racing teams.
The Motorsport Industry Association (MIA) has members from the many diverse sectors of motorsport: high performance engineering and tuning companies; race and rally teams; governing bodies; motorsport services; research organisations; race circuits; universities and colleges.

The crossover of techniques and technologies between motorsport and automotive mass production brings benefits to both. However, we also know from experience the differences between producing a one off that has a sole purpose of being quick maybe for 1 race and then updated, to something that has to be replicated time after time and last for years.
Looking forward to continuing our partnerships into the future.